Kick-Off Of Campaign; Uswag Ilonggo Party-List Gaining Support Of Farmers


With the five-point agenda of Uswag Ilonggo Party-list making the upgrading of agriculture a priority in Western Visayas, more and more farmers’ associations are identifying themselves with the said party-list.

This is obvious in the attendance of farmers numbering 100 to 150 per gathering in four farmers’ fora on Feb. 5 and 6 in Iloilo Province. More are expected to attend events slated in Antique province.

Farmers listened to a talk on the latest technologies and programs to upgrade agriculture as well as the other agenda of Uswag Ilonggo Party-list which are the following:

  • the well-being of every Ilonggo family
  • proper healthcare for the poor
  • consistent programs on infrastructure and tourism, and
  • more scholarships for the youth.

The said farmers’ fora held with strict social distancing and the practice of pandemic health safety protocols were held in Estancia and Carles in northern Iloilo on Feb. 5 and Badiangan and Tigbauan on Feb. 6 where farmers were also able to air out concerns regarding their sector.

In a related development, local leaders like Sangguniang Bayan (SB) members Andrew Castanos of Calinog, Jevee Borbon of Cabatuan and former SB member Nemesio Cachite of Bingawan said they support Uswag Ilonggo for its strong advocacy for the needs of Ilonggos, including the importance of upgrading farming because this is the lifeblood of the Ilonggo economy.

Photo Credit: Tiffany Marie Somes