More San Juan Front-Liners Receive Jabs


More medical professionals and health care workers in San Juan City availed of AstraZeneca vaccine shots on Thursday.

When the city’s rollout began on Saturday, 141 personnel of the San Juan City Medical Center (SJMC) and 797 from Cardinal Santos Medical Center (CSMC) received their first shots of Sinovac’s CoronaVac jabs.

On Thursday, 526 staff of CSMC, SJMC, and St. Martin de Porres Charity Hospital were vaccinated, bringing to 1,464 the city’s front-liners who have received either Sinovac or AstraZeneca vaccines.

More healthcare workers were urged to sign up for the vaccination campaign while residents were assured of free Covid-19 shots once they register.

The city is targeting at least 70 percent of its population to participate in the inoculation program.

City hall personnel were tasked to go house-to-house to assist priority sectors, such as the elderly, in signing up.

As of March 9, the city had 148 active Covid-19 cases. A total of 106 have died and 3,792 have recovered from the total 4,046 confirmed cases.

To contain the recent surge in infections, the local government re-imposed the 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew, except for essential workers and those with emergency cases. (PNA)