Taylor Swift graciously received her six American Music Awards which surpassed Michael Jackson’s all-time and decided to avoid mentioning her dispute with her previous record company. She won the top award, the artist of the year and four others. “All that matters to me is the memories that I have had with you guys, with you the fans, over the years,” she said during the ceremony in Los Angeles after her performance of a medley featuring her chart-topping songs.”
But prior to this, she publicly pleads to her Swift fanbase to inform Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun of her message. She wrote, “Please let Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun know how you feel about this…Scooter also manages several artists who I really believe care about other artists and their work. Please ask them for help with this — I’m hoping that maybe they can talk some sense into the men who are exercising tyrannical control over someone who just wants to play the music she wrote.”
Photo Credit: Taylor Swift Official Instagram