Tagalog and Filipino, what is the difference between the two? Tagalog was the official language of the Philippines since 1897 until 1987 when Filipino became the official language.
Tagalog came from “Taga-Ilog”, which referred to communities that lived near the river. It was changed to “Tagalog” eventually because Spaniards had difficulty in saying the former.
Meanwhile, the name Filipino is influenced by the Spanish Kind Philip.
Filipino is the official language of the nation as stated in the Philippine Constitution. The Filipino language derives from the Tagalog language but has modifications to it, which are influenced by different languages. These languages include Chinese, Spanish, English, and more. Filipino is considered easier to learn because it has fewer words in its vocabulary and is less strict when it comes to sentence construction.
When looking at the Filipino alphabet versus the Tagalog alphabet, it is almost identical. However, there is one main difference: the Tagalog alphabet has no ñ. Overall, Filipino is a more evolved version of Tagalog with influences from other languages.
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