Dr Pepper Fuses Soda, Chocolate Into One Drink


Dr Pepper, the Texas-originated soda brand, unveils its newest “FANtastic Chocolate”, a sweet chocolatey version of a traditional soda on August 15.

The latest exclusive indulgence is a combination of Dr Pepper and chocolate canned in one drink. The Fantastic Chocolate drink has a limited-edition offering that comes in time for football season.

According to Jim Vorel, food writer of Paste, who was among the first to taste the new flavor was surprised with its “extremely thick and syrupy texture.”

“It is pretty darn sweet…it remains at least marginally drinkable in spite of itself,” he wrote.

“I thought every sip would be my last, but then continued to go back and taste it again, only to conclude that the sweetness really isn’t as overpowering as I would have feared,” he added.

Consumers who want to experience the new fusion will create a “Pepper Perks” account and save points in order to taste the new flavor.

To learn more about the Pepper Perks program, you may visit https://www.drpepper.com/en to redeem your much-awaited chocolate-flavored soda until supplies last.

Source: https://www.pastemagazine.com/drink/soft-drinks/dr-pepper-fantastic-chocolate-review-tasting-flavor/, https://news.keurigdrpepper.com/2021-08-15-Calling-All-Super-Fans-Dr-Pepper-Reveals-FANtastic-Chocolate