COVID-19 UPDATE: The country's overall tally of Covid-19 patients who beat the disease have reached 1,567,920 as 7,964 new recoveries were recorded as of Tuesday.
COVID-19 UPDATE: The National Task Force Against Covid-19 on Monday reported the country has already administered an overall tally of 24,479,750 doses of coronavirus vaccines nationwide.
MMDA chairman Benhur Abalos inspected the vaccination rollout in several Covid-19 vaccination hubs in parts of Manila after photos and videos of people swarming vaccination sites despite curfew hours.
COVID-19 UPDATE: The country’s total number of recovered coronavirus disease 2019 cases has reached 1,515,054 after 9,095 new recoveries were reported on Monday.
COVID-19 UPDATE: The country’s total number of recovered coronavirus disease 2019 cases has reached 1,506,027 after 5,930 new recoveries were reported on Sunday.
COVID-19 UPDATE: The nation's overall tally of Covid-19 patients who survived the disease have reached 1,488,437 as 4,069 new recoveries were recorded as of Thursday.