Make Us An Event Partner

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Terms & Conditions

At PAGEONE Media, we make sure that the events we sponsor are properly promoted. Therefore, we require the partner to provide us comprehensive sets of materials.

For event partnerships, the inviting party (Partner) shall agree on the following:

1. The partner shall provide PAGEONE Media four (4) website banners with the following sizes: (a) 728×90 pixels, (b) 300×250 pixels, (c) 786×249 pixels and (d) 1000×200 pixels. Take note that the “786×249 pixels” material should bear only 1 photo and the title / logo of the event. In connection to this, the partner should observe the following:

  • The banners should have a button image with a caption “Click Here”
  • The partner shall also provide the link on where these banner should go when clicked.

2. The partner shall provide PAGEONE Media (at most) two (2) social media materials with the following sizes: (a) 775×1200 pixels and (b) 784×295 pixels.

3. The partner shall place our logo(s) in all “physical” merchandising materials promoting the event which includes poster, banner (small and large formats) and leaflets bearing with the title, “Official Online Media Partner”.

4. The partner shall place our logo(s) in all “online” merchandising materials promoting the event which includes online banners, e-invites, online memes and online videos bearing with the title – “Official Online Media Partner”.

5. The partner shall place include the website’s name on one of the event’s press releases as the “Official Online Media Partner”.

6. The partner shall provide PAGEONE Media a press release indicating our joining of the event, e.g.

  • “PAGEONE joins “The Philippine Expo” as the Official Media Partner, or
  • “ joins “The Philippine Expo” as the Official Media Partner

7. The partner shall provide space inside and outside the event venue where we can put up our display materials (optional).


PAGEONE Media shall provide the following:

1. PAGEONE Media shall write press releases / post the partner’s press releases on the Partner’s Section of the partnering PAGEONE Media title.

2. PAGEONE Media shall display the website banners on the partnering PAGEONE Media title until the day of the event.

3. PAGEONE Media shall post the social media banners on the social media account(s) of the partnering PAGEONE Media title until the day of the event.

4. PAGEONE Media shall create a video promotion of the event featuring the organizers and the organizer’s choice of speaker.



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