Election Violations In 2022: How To Report Them Online


In the 2022 National and Local Elections MediaCon for the campaign period via Facebook livestream on February 8, Commission on Elections (Comelec) spokesperson James Jimenez encouraged the public to report 2022 election violations online.

As the campaign period in the Philippines began on Tuesday, February 8, the Comelec opened an e-mail address that every Filipino voter can go to when seeing any election violations.

Jimenez reiterated that vote buying and hanging posters not in a designated poster area, among others, are election violations and, once proven guilty, a person found guilty of committing violations will be punishable by law through imprisonment for six years, disqualification from holding public office, and the inability to vote.

“Mayro’ng kapangyarihan ang Comelec mag-file ng cases for election offenses at dahil ang paglalabag ng mga rules ng ating kampanya ay election offenses,” said Jimenez in an interview.

Anyone can now report election violations online by sending them to sumbongko@votesafe.ph.

Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=299465805552592&set=pb.100064675240177.-2207520000..&type=3