The internet has allowed us to be connected more than ever before. One of its impressive features is keeping us up to date with the trendiest gadgets that we can have around the world. Here are some cool gadgets that you can buy online.
1. Meeting Owl

Meeting Owl is a 360° smart video conferencing camera that automatically highlights and shifts focus to different people in the room when they speak, so you know what’s happening as if you’re there.
Having a meeting owl with you in a meeting makes it now equipped to become a mart meeting room.
2. Smartphone camera lenses
If you love taking pictures but find your phone camera a little limited to certain angles then, this gadget could be the one for you.
With a clip-on camera lens, you can improve your shooting. There are various types of clip-on camera lenses. There are universal, while others are designed for specific models of smartphone, so it pays to do your research.
3. Wireless gamepad
If you are a gamer, you would probably like this. A wireless gamepad uses an infrared or Bluetooth to transmit data. Systems like the Nintendo Wii and the PlayStation Move utilize motion controls in addition to button prompts.
Wireless gamepad works the same way as any wired connection would, with the button commands being transmitted through a cable or wire.
4. Port USB hub
A USB hub is a handy way of adding additional USB ports to a setup. They are the USB version of a regular extension.
Not all laptops have enough USB portals. If you are someone who doesn’t need to use a keyboard or mouse for your laptop, then it’s alright to have at least 2 USB ports. But if you’re someone who’s always on the go and do more than just sending emails, then USB hubs might be helpful.
5. Shoe sanitizing slip-ons

As shoes is a perfect breeding ground for germs, Sharper Image offers this cool shoe sanitizer.
The shoe sanitizer can sanitize and freshen any shoes with an ultraviolet light in just 15 minutes. All shoes types and size can fit in the gadget and it shuts off automatically for safety.