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10 Ways To Overcome Post Graduation Blues


10 Ways To Overcome Post Graduation Blues


How do you feel about this story?


Graduation is over and you were so ecstatic because finally you’re done with the 4, 5, 6… years of struggle of beating the deadlines, following everything your professor says, pulling an all-nighter, skipping classes because you have a deadline on the next subject and a whole lot more struggles. You’re very excited about travelling alone and checking off your bucket list. But then one thing came knocking on your mind and do nothing but to crash all of your plans.

You’ll think about how life would be more difficult now that you’re already an adult, you’ll have bills to pay (Say Hello to SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig), you’ll have to devote your time on hunting for a job, etc. I know that life after graduation is not going to be easy as 1 2 3, but you don’t have to panic. You survived 4 years in college, you’ll probably survive adult life as well. All you need to do is to follow these 10 tips so you could overcome your post graduation blues.

Wait for the RIGHT job

I know that we can’t be picky when it comes to job hunting, because we all know how difficult it is to look for a job that would suit your interests and the degree you took. I know you already want to use the hashtag #OfficiallyEmployed, but you just can’t because you can’t find the most perfect job for you or companies are taking so long to call you.

Do not rush. Do not immediately say yes to the first company that called you, especially if you don’t like the job that much. You’ll just end up feeling burnt out.

Look for photos of successful people when they were still nobodies

This trick might motivate you and inspire you to do well so you could be like them in the future. Upon looking at their photos, bear in mind that these successful personalities also started from scratch, and there is nothing wrong with that. You can’t really have the life you want in a snap, you have to work hard for it.

Spend time with your friends and family

Like what I said earlier, you don’t have to rush things just because you have to start figuring and planning your life out. You’ve missed a lot of family gatherings and girls or boys night out because of the unending deadlines when you were still studying.

And now is the perfect time to make it up to them. Go on a shopping spree with your girls or enjoy the arcade life with your buds. You could also go on a date with your family, spend time and bond with them, eat lunch or dinner outside or watch movies together.

Don’t compare

Your life has a different path than the others. Some may have find a job a day, a week or a month after graduation. Some may find it hard and waited for years to get the job they want. Seriously, do not compare your life and achievements with other people because that would only make you disappointed if ever your life didn’t turn out the way you planned it. Focus on yourself and your goal. Celebrate your own achievements.

Do not be demanding

In a job interview, do not ask how much salary you can get. You’re a fresh graduate and you’re fishing for experience. Some companies might find it offensive if you ask them about the salary. Let them tell you the details of that matter.

Keep on Learning

Just because school is done, you should also stop learning. Gaining new knowledge doesn’t have to end in the four walls of your classroom, you can get it either from a older friend, a sister or brother who had experience in finding and having an actual job, ask your parents about it, talk to your fellow employees. Find a way to learn new stuff everyday.

Make plans for the future

You could create your bucket list and try to achieve all of them on the time you want to. Also, if you already have a job, you could save up so you’ll have funds for the future and other expenses. Through this, you’ll never have to worry about paying your bills.

Do/Buy something for yourself

Either you start a gym membership or you want to take crash course in baking or cooking, go ahead. Break your routine. Do something new that’s out of your comfort zone. Live your life to the fullest and don’t regret any bit of it.

Or you could go out and eat to that one restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. Or you could also go on a shopping spree and treat yourself. There’s nothing wrong with spoiling yourself from time to time. You’ve worked hard for that and you deserve a reward.

Remind yourself that this stage shall pass

If you’re finding it hard to adjust to your situation, do not worry too much. That is just a part of everything you’ll have to face in the future. Eventually, that ‘ayoko na’ feeling will pass and you will learn to adjust to that life, you’ll then find it easy to live the life you’re in right now.

Be contented

Once you have your job now, be happy for that blessing. Be contented with what you have and give your best in everything that you will do. If your life didn’t turn out the way you planned it, accept it. Sometimes, life really plays trick on us, just keep positive and learn to love what you have.