10 Most Bizarre Beauty Gadgets From Japan


Japan is known worldwide for its unbelievably crazy inventions. But even though people around the world view their inventions as “weird” and unnecessary, these actually have their respective benefits. Japan also has a huge market for strange and niche face-toning beauty products which the country is famous for.

Here are 10 of the weirdest and head-scratching beauty gadgets from Japan:

10Bigan Beauty Face Expander

Although when worn, this beauty product makes an unsightly visual, the Bigan Beauty Face Expander is a unique face muscle training mask which helps you keep your skin youthful and pliant.

Comfortable to wear and easy to use, the expander works on the cheeks, chin and other areas of the face that sag with age as it is used by wrapping the ends of the mask around your ears and placing the mouthpiece between your lips.

For best results, users should use the expander everyday while mouthing words such as “pa” and “ku” over and over again for 10 minutes.
