NegOcc Rolls Out Moderna Vaccines Mainly For Seniors


The Negros Occidental provincial government has started rolling out the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) Moderna vaccines allocated by the national government to various local government units (LGUs) on Thursday.

Provincial Administrator Rayfrando Diaz II said they have instructed the LGUs to prioritize the A2 or senior citizens in the administration of the US-made jabs.

“We stressed to them to focus the use of Moderna on senior citizens since we have a big gap here (in the number of vaccinees). We want our LGUs to step up the vaccination for A2. That’s where we are really lagging behind,” he added.

Diaz noted that so far, only 55 percent of the A2 population in the province have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

He said the lower turnout can be attributed to limited mobility and little hesitancy, but based on the recent feedback, many senior citizens in Negros Occidental are already willing to get inoculated.

For the rollout of Moderna jabs, the Provincial Health Office still allocates the vaccines to the 31 cities and municipalities, based on the list of vaccinees the LGU submits for the day.

“People are also welcoming Moderna the same way they have welcomed the other brands. A lot of our LGUs are already administering the jabs now,” Diaz said.

Due to the vaccine’s ultra-low freezing requirement, the LGUs have agreed that they should use up the supply delivered for the day since the unused doses cannot be returned for storage.

On Tuesday, Negros Occidental received 1,070 vials or 10,700 doses of Moderna jabs as well as 10,000 doses of Sinovac’s CoronaVac shots.

Diaz said the province needs to accelerate vaccination among the A2 so that it can proceed with the rollout for A4 or the front-line personnel in essential sectors.

“We can’t go to A4 using donated vaccines if we cannot finish the vaccination of A1 to A3 priority sectors,” he added.

A1 includes healthcare workers/front-liners while A3 covers adults with comorbidities. (PNA)