La Union Launches Job Portal Amid Pandemic


Residents of La Union may now look for job vacancies and directly apply to employers through the Find Jobs La Union online platform.

Charito Dator, La Union provincial Public Employment Services Office manager, said the job portal,, aims to help residents of the province apply for job vacancies and connect them with the employers amid the ongoing pandemic.

“Through this hassle-free means, we could prevent crowds gathering in jobs fairs. Even though they are from far-flung areas with an internet connection, they could still apply for jobs,” she said in an interview on Thursday.

She added job vacancies can be accessed easily and employers could easily post available works in their respective establishments.

Dator said available jobs range from clerical, business, and wage employment, among many others.

“It was just launched yesterday so employers and job seekers are still piling up,” she said.

Dator said employers even from outside La Union are welcome to post their vacancies.

“There are employers from Pampanga and Pangasinan, as well as from other neighboring provinces,” she added.

Jobseekers and employers are advised to visit the website; sign up for an account; submit and upload the required documents, and start searching for available jobs. (PNA)