CDO Dads Eye February As ‘Covid Front-Liners’ Month’


A pending measure before the City Council here seeks to declare February as “Covid-19 Front-liners’ Month,” drawing praises from public health officials.

The proposed ordinance aims to designate the last Monday of February as a day of remembrance for “the sacrifices and efforts of both medical and non-medical front-liners in the city´s campaign against the pandemic,” said Councilor Edgar Cabanlas, co-author of the measure.

“The pandemic caused an upheaval not experienced since World War II. Let´s not forget but remember those who sacrificed much, including their lives for us,” Cabanlas said Tuesday.

Dr. Bernard Julius Rocha, a liaison officer of the state-run Northern Mindanao Medical Center (NMMC), described the move admirable, “especially that government healthcare workers did not ask anything in return from the public, as they understand that it’s a public service.”

“This is the life we chose. To a doctor or a health care professional, helping people and saving people´s lives is its own reward. Especially in government service, we don’t really ask for compensation; we ask our patients if they are satisfied with our service,” Rocha said.

Acting city health officer Dr. Lorraine Nery also thanked the City Council for proposing the remembrance day.

“Since February is marked as the Love Month, it’s time we express our love for our health front-liners,” Nery said.

Meanwhile, the city registered only three Covid-19 positive cases on Monday–the lowest single-digit ever recorded since January 1 this year.

The city has a total of 3,332 total cases since March last year, of which 259 are active, with 2,904 recoveries, and 169 deaths, Nery said. (PNA)