To Shut Down In May 2022, After 25 Years In Ranking Service


Amazon has announced that, its website ranking service that has been in operation for the past 25 years, will be officially shut down on May 1, 2022.

“After two decades of helping you find, reach, and convert your digital audience, we’ve made the difficult decision to retire on May 1, 2022,” the company stated on its Alexa support page.

Long before search engine rankings were popular, was already a well-known tool for monitoring a website’s performance.

Its modern suite of services includes options for comparing the relative popularity of two or more tracked sites, as well as viewing metrics like bounce rates, average visit time, and more.

While Amazon did not give a reason for closing down, it is likely that more administrators now are having to switch away from its services and toward SEO considerations and search engine rankings to maintain reports.

Alexa has stopped accepting new subscriptions as of December 8; however, existing customers will have access to the service until May 1st when it will be shut down.

Users who want to export any of that data before the deadline can find instructions on the site’s support page at

The data packets for Site Overview, Top Sites, and Certified Site Metrics can all be obtained using Alexa’s Content Exploration Tool, Site Audit reports, and a variety of additional methods.
