Biden Praises Pinoys’ Contribution In US On Fil-Am History Month


United States (US) President Joe Biden expressed his utmost gratitude to all Filipinos for their immense contributions to the US success, as the country marked the Filipino American History Month on Friday, October 1, 2021.

In his message, posted on the Philippine Embassy in Washington DC, USA Facebook page, he said that he is very much proud to celebrate the said event which gives them an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and milestones of Filipino Americans across the US.

“With a recorded presence in the continental United States as far back as October 1587, Filipino Americans have served our nation, defended our democracy, and fought for the promise of a more just and inclusive America,” Biden stated.

The US President also commemorated the Filipinos’ role in fighting on the frontlines to attain victory in World War II. “Their contributions are reflected in some of our nation’s triumphs and struggles,” he added.

Biden also cited how the Filipino farmworkers catalyzed permanent changes including the tile Delano Grape Strike in California which became a key that improved the conditions of farm labor in the US.

Furthermore, Biden lauded the Filipinos who continued sacrificing their lives and selflessly worked despite the risk brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

He mourned those who died in the fight against the deadly virus, citing a study stating that Filipino Americans accounted for nearly a third of all nurses in the US who tragically lost their lives due to COVID-19.

“Today, our Nation mourns their losses and honors the tremendous contributions of Filipino Americans during this global health crisis and throughout our history,” he exclaimed.

Biden considered Filipino Americans as an essential part of the USA’s strength and diversity in which he stated that this kind of event will be a venue to honor the history of service and sacrifice of the said community, celebrate their stories, culture, and contributions today and every day.

Filipinos have been long known for their resiliency which made Biden hoped for that character to continuously be an inspiration to all.

“To our Filipino American community: thank you for all you do and for all you endure to make our union more perfect,” the US President concluded.

Fil-Am History Month is an annual celebration in the US in October to commemorate and honor the significant role Filipinos have played in American history.
