Condo Type, In-City Socialized Housing Soon To Rise In San Juan


A high-rise, in-city socialized public housing project that can accommodate more than 500 families is soon to rise in San Juan City.

The San Juan city government led by Mayor Francis Zamora and National Housing Authority (NHA) General Manager Marcelino Escalada Jr. graced the ceremonial groundbreaking for the 23-story building on F. Manalo Street, Barangay Batis on Wednesday.

During the groundbreaking, Zamora said the new housing project with 549 residential units is the city’s second socialized public housing project in San Juan, following a 22-story building project located in Barangay St. Joseph.

The housing project is a modern, condominium-type building, with complete housing utility packages such as water and electric facilities, including 11 commercial units, 68 parking slots for cars, and 47 motorcycle parking slots.

Zamora said a household could own the housing unit, measuring 28 square meters each, after 30 years of paying.

“It is not a rental expense, it is considered as partial payment,” he said.

The total project costs about PHP1.3 billion to be shouldered by the local government in partnership with the NHA.

Zamora said the living fee, to be paid by the occupants, will be based on the NHA standards.

Meanwhile, Escalada said the government will not look at the PHP1.3 billion housing fund as an expense, “we look at it as an investment to the people.”

He said the government should invest in the people as it pushes a social impact and social security.

“Our commitment will go on and on until finally, in the next three years, we shall see the fruits of our dreams. At the end of the day, Covid is here and will stay for the next couple of months or years so we say, stay at home, how can people of San Juan stay at home when there is no home to talk about so we now offer this home to you be patient because it will take a year or two or three to finish. But as we fight Covid, we hope that this 23-story will be your home to own,” Escalada said. (PNA)