San Juan Eyes Population Protection By August


The San Juan City government target hit the population protection by August with over 80 percent of the target population already vaccinated.

Mayor Francis Zamora on Wednesday said around 82.2 percent of the city target population accumulating to 70,269 out of 85,400 have at least received their first dose, as of June 29.

“We are targeting to reach 100 percent by the middle of July. We are targeting to vaccinate 100 percent of the target population with two doses by end of August,” Zamora told the reporters.

Zamora said the city government will open more vaccination hubs to hasten its vaccine rollout.

San Juan will start operating its third mega vaccination center at V-Mall of the Greenhills Shopping Center, which can help increase the city’s vaccination capacity at around 4,000 up to 5,000 daily.

Zamora cited the city’s vaccination efforts as “the game changer” to the local government’s fight against Covid-19.

He urged the residents to continue adhering to the health protocols to further contain the virus, while the city government continues to ramp up vaccination efforts to achieve population protection as soon as possible.

Residents, who have signed up in the city’s online vaccination program, are urged to wait for a confirmatory text indicating vaccination schedules before going to the sites to prevent crowding.

“Let us all do our share. Please register now and get yourselves vaccinated. A confirmatory text will be sent to you indicating your schedule once it is your turn,” he said.

Zamora also noted the city government has enough supply of vaccines.

San Juan has a 122,000 total population. (PNA)