Antique Capital Town Seeks Upgrading Of Fish Port


The local government unit (LGU) of San Jose de Buenavista is seeking to upgrade its fish port to be used not only by fishing boats but by sea vessels transporting other commodities.

San Jose de Buenavista Mayor Elmer Untaran, during the Network Briefing with Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar, said on Wednesday that the current fish port had been instrumental in boosting the livelihood of local fishermen.

“The fish port had really a positive impact on the lives of the people,” he said.

“Not only are the local fishermen using the fish port but also those (fishermen) from other places like Palawan,” he said.

Untaran said the fishermen from Palawan and other places come to this town because of the bounty of its coastal area and for fish trading.

The fish port became operational in January this year after undergoing repair.

A barge owned by the Arbor Star slammed and damaged the riprap of the fish port on July 26, 2019, Darcy Bungay, San Jose de Buenavista Municipal Economic Enterprise and Development Officer (MEEDO), said in an interview.

“It was because of the heavy waves during Tropical Depression Falcon that the barge, which was seeking shelter nearby, slammed into the portion of the port,” he said.

The Philippine Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA) funded the construction of the PHP40 million fish port that was turned over to the local government of San Jose de Buenavista on Oct. 4, 2017.

“On the average, there are six to 17 fishing boats that dock at the port daily,” Bungay said.

He said that since the port has become essential to the people, the LGU is requesting its upgrading.

“We have already submitted our feasibility study for the feeder port to the Department of Agriculture Philippine Rural Development Project to the tune of PHP300 million last July 16, 2020,” Bungay added.

He said that through this upgrading the berthing area and other facilities like fish brokering would be set up. (PNA)