GenSan Creates Public Safety Office


The city government has created a new department that will manage and lead the implementation of its disaster preparedness and emergency response policies and initiatives.

City Mayor Ronnel Rivera said Wednesday the harmonization and integration of functions and services of the newly-established City Public Safety Office (PSO) are now underway to facilitate its smooth operations.

He designated Engr. Riza Paches to serve as acting head of the new department, which is mainly mandated to ensure the security and safety of the general public, especially during disasters or calamities.

The mayor said the PSO is tasked to spearhead the crafting and implementation of programs and policies in line with the local government’s public safety functions.

“It will handle the preparations for disaster mitigation and response as well as manage our traffic concerns,” he said in a statement.

Paches said the PSO has five main divisions, comprising existing offices and newly-created units of the local government.

These are the City Transportation and Traffic Engineering Division, City Security Division, City Transportation and Traffic Management Division, City Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Office, and the Administrative Division.

“We will formulate various plans to enhance the operations and services of our units,” she said.

The PSO was created based on Ordinance No. 1618, series of 2017, authored by City Councilor Jose Edmar Yumang.

Its primary mandates include the regulation of public utility vehicles; road use; traffic enforcement and management of all private and public vehicles; protection, safety, and security of the people, and government properties and facilities; and disaster risk reduction and management.

PSO will serve as the secretariat of the Motorized Tricycle Franchising Regulatory Board and the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council. (PNA)